Skel UI

Migrate to v1

Migrate your projects from v0 to v1.

Skel UI v1 is a major version update. There are many breaking changes, and sorry about that. However, this version provides an overall better developer experience.

Please follow this guide to upgrade your applications to Skel UI v1.

Upgrade package

npm install @skel-ui/react@latest

Update imports

import Skel from "@skel-ui/react"; 
import * as Skel from "@skel-ui/react"; 

generatePlaceholder has been moved to a different file.

import { generatePlaceholder } from "@skel-ui/react"; 
import { generatePlaceholder } from "@skel-ui/react/utils"; 

Update Skel.Root

The Root element will not render HTML element anymore.

<Skel.Root className="card">
  <div className="card">
<Skel.Root as="section">

Update Skel.Item

The Item component will no longer accept HTML elements. It's been change to accept only React components.

<Skel.Item id="card">
<Skel.p id="card">
<Skel.Item as="h1">

The radius prop has been changed to sr.


The children prop will no longer accept function.

  {() => <Comp/>} 

Update CSS variables

Some CSS variables have been changed.

  --skel-ui-color1: #a1a1aa; 
  --skel-ui-color: #a1a1aa;  
  --skel-ui-color2: #e4e4e7; 
  --skel-ui-shimmer-color: #e4e4e7; 

Some CSS variables has been added to customize the animation timing. Please read here.

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